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How to Make Homemade Edible Paint Safe for Babies

Check out this easy recipe to make colorful and fun edible paint safe for babies and toddlers.

Just before my son was born, we started a list of activities we wanted to try with him. I was dying to try this homemade edible paint recipe but I wanted to wait until he was old enough to have some fun with the textures and colors.

We finally made it happen last weekend and boy, it was so much fun! The great part is that this homemade edible paint is safe for almost all babies and toddler's skin! It's made out of food ingredients, so if your baby is old enough to eat solids, you will not have a problem if he decides to put some of this paint in his mouth.

This recipe doesn't feel like regular paint, it’s more like liquid play dough, so the babies and toddlers can grab it with their own hands and enjoy an interesting sensory experience. They can place it over paper too, and it will leave a texture similar to puffy paint.


  • ½ Cup corn starch (for each color)

  • Food coloring

  • 1/4 Cup water (for each color)

  • Small plastic containers (depending on the number of colors you'd like to make)

How to make homemade edible paint safe for babies:

  1. Create the mix. Start adding 1/2 cup of cornstarch in a container. Pour 1/4 cup of water slowly while you mix the ingredients together until you find the desired texture.

Those measurements worked for me, but if you want a thicker consistency add less water. The texture is quite fun to play with it, it's kind of a liquid play dough or puffy paint, it’s interesting for babies and parents too!

  1. Add color. Add food coloring, like 2 or 3 drops of each color should be enough to create a fun color, add more drops to create brighter tones.

When our homemade paint was ready we couldn't wait to play with it. We took our baby and our homemade edible paint to a park nearby.

Painting with this homemade paint was really cool. My baby made the funniest faces when we put his feet on the paper because it was fresh and wet. The texture was really interesting for him. He also loved staring at me dripping the paint with my fingers while I played with the homemade paint. Something about the colors really intrigued him as well.

This is a great activity for the kids this summer! I’m sure your baby or toddler would love this recipe so much. This is even entertaining for older kids, so I hope you give it a try :)

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Wet-Nap®, but all my opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the sponsors that help me create more content like this for you.