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Reuse and Decorate Glass Bottles with Stickers

Decorate glass bottles with stickers and reuse them as flowers vases for your home.

I love to see decorating ideas, DIY projects and crafts made from materials we can recycle or reuse. For example, the other day I found these cute upcycled Starbucks latte bottles and I thought they were adorable.

One of the hardest things when reusing bottles is completely removing the labels so there is no residual paper and/or glue. To avoid the headache of scraping labels for hours and ruining your beloved manicure, I decided to add some adhesive paper with a colorful illustration in it that will cover the labels almost perfectly.

To make the stickers, just print any graphics or pictures on adhesive printer paper sheets like these. You could also use the decoupage technique I used in this project, and cut some scrapbooking paper pages and add them to your recycled glass bottle usin mod podge.


How to decorate glass bottles with mod podge:

  1. Clean your recycled bottles. Make sure your empty bottles are clean and dry before you start.

  2. Print your stickers to cover the recycled glass bottles. Print the graphics or pictures on adhesive printer paper to make the stickers. Remove the protective paper and glue them to the sides of the glass bottle. Another great idea is to use scrapbooking paper to cover the glass bottles. You’ll need two use mod podge as glue to attach the scrapbook paper to the sides of the bottle.

  3. Protect the paper from dust and water. Apply a layer of Mod Podge over the whole bottle to protect the paper from moisture and dirt.

Another idea I love, is to completely cover the bottles using glitter like I did in this project here.

These bottles are cute centerpieces, but may also be a quirky accessory for your patio decor, especially if you create acouple of them in different sizes.