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A Colorful Dry Leaves Garland

Paint a few dry leaves and twigs and make a beautiful pastel garland for your home this fall.

The colors of dry nature are really beautiful, but adding an extra touch can be fun too because its’s a wonderful combination.

We actually made a similar project last year and we shared it on Instagram and discovered that you guys love the idea so much we couldn’t help but make a new version this year. This time we used pastel colors with an ombre technique and the garland turned out adorable!

We really love the idea of using nature as decoration. It's a great way to add a warm touch to your home with elements you normally wouldn’t consider!


  • Dry leaves and twigs

  • Brushes

  • Acrylic paint

  • Twine or thread

How to Make a Garland with Dry Leaves:

1. Gather dry leaves from your neighborhood. Pick up some leaves and twigs from your home or neighborhood and clean them a little bit removing dust and dirt. You can use a damp cloth to clean the surface.

2. Paint your Dry Leaves. Add one or two layers of acrylic paint to the leaves and twigs. If you want to decorate them a bit more you can use a toothpick to make little dots or create an ombre effect my mixing two colors together going from darker color to lighter color. Let the leaves dry for a few minutes.

3. Hang your Garland. Use thread or yarn and make knots around each leaf steam and twigs one by one to create your garland.

Hang your garland on the wall or in a window and enjoy this fun and cute detail this fall!

Here is our DIY garland last year if you want to see how this garland looks with brighter colors or you want to Pin a new idea :)

Find us in Pinterest here.