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How to Create an Inspirational Desk Space

Some tips to create an inspirational and exciting workspace at home.

Create a cute desk space | Live Colorful

My baby was 9 months old when we moved to this house. He was crawling and extremely curious and I wanted to keep my desk away from him as much as possible. I left the desk inside the bedroom and it worked great for us for a few months. Then one day I got tired of it. It was getting stressful, you know, to have the desk and the mess just next to the bed. So I decided to move it to the living room area. That way I could continue working on small projects, editing pictures and working on simple things while my baby is playing with his toys.

My desk is now next to a big window. The view ended up being really nice. It feels refreshing.But soon after I moved the desk to the living room, the place where I spend half of the day, I realized the importance of keeping everything organized and also looking interesting. I just didn’t want to have everything in one place, I wanted to create an inspirational workspace that flowed with the decoration.

There are so many ways to create an inspirational workspace, since it’s something personal. The key to getting started is to collect a few things that are special for you. Then, play with the way you display it. Everything should look organized but also meaningful, so you are always motivated.

Here are some of my favorite things to incorporate in your desk space to make it look organized and special:

  1. Artwork:

It can be an abstract painting with colors you love, a print with an inspirational quote, or a photo of your family, kids or friends.There is also another cool idea that I like to try from time to time. Make a vision board about your creative business’s goals or about your personal dreams and frame it so you can see it all the time.

2. Flowers and plants

It doesn't matter if these are fresh, made out paper, silk or glass. Flowers and plants will always make you smile and will add a colorful accent to your decorations.

3. Colorful office supplies

Get the most interesting or colorful office supplies to make every boring task a bit more fun.

4. Candles

Stimulate your brain and senses with an aroma you love. Plus, candles containers can be a pretty decorative element.

5. Books

I like the idea of using books as decoration. Organize them by size or color.

6. Special things

Incorporate elements that are special and inspirational for you. For example, over my printer I have a hand printed handkerchief that I got in a vintage store. It reminds me of my love for patterns and prints from around the world. I also have a heart made of perler beads that I bought from a little girl in the park. It makes me think of her confidence. An a whimsical and playful doll made by Emily Johnsons that makes me smile.

Other thing that helps is to maintain your desk always current. The world changes so fast, we change so fast, so it’s normal to have new goals, new favorite colors and new books to add to our desk space. Keeping it new and fresh will help you feel inspired.